Website Hosting for WordPress

The Business Directory offers WordPress Hosting and we guarantee world-class speed, reliability, and security.
Site Monitoring
Without comprehensive site monitoring and automatic updates, your website will be vulnerable to malware, hackers, comment spam, “spamvertising,” and brute force login attacks, which could bring it to its knees. Your email account is also vulnerable, as you could end up on one of the numerous email spam blacklists. Our website monitoring services, which include all of the following, protect you from a wide range of threats:
- Monthly malware scan of your website
- Alert monitoring for any files that are
- changed by a hacker
- Password auditing
- Advanced firewall protection
- Enhanced login security
- Brute force login protection
- Advanced comment spam filter
- Automatic plugin updates
- Edits to content and forms per your request
- And more….
Security Updates
Nothing is static on the internet. Just as the content of your website evolves to reflect the evolution of your business, so will the technology that supports it. If you fail to keep the WordPress content management system (CMS), plugins, and themes up to date, your website will be vulnerable to malware and hackers. We provide the following updates to protect your site and keep it up and running:
WordPress release updates
- Plugin updates
- Theme updates
When it comes to backups, we’ve got your back. And in cases when something breaks, you’ll be glad we have multiple copies.
- Support Ticket System edits or changes
- Uptime Monitoring
- Daily Backups
- Google Analytics Tracking
- Monthly Reports
If you are looking to get back time and have a dedicated contact to help with your website needs sign up today and get your time back tomorrow.